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Rateable Value is based on rental value, having made various statutory assumptions. From 1 April this year, the list of rateable values was updated and all commercial properties have a new assessment. 

You can check your assessment on the VOA website .

Estimates vary but rateable values may increase by 20% to 30% on average meaning that rates payable will increase.  Although the Valuation Office is using technology to become more accurate there are still mistakes made in valuation, measurement and interpretation.   Several appeals we have made on the old list have reduced rateable values for clients.

Unfortunately there are still many non-qualified firms promising the earth without any proper basis of success.  A chartered surveyor will visit your premises and provide advice for a modest fee which will be agreed at the outset.  If an appeal is considered necessary he can handle all the paperwork and procedures and will negotiate with the Valuation Officer.  If a Tribunal hearing is necessary then he can handle all the preparation work and appear on the appellant's behalf.